Dining & Culinary

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Delicious Food in a Beautiful Setting

A visit to the restaurant-style dining room at Somerby Peachtree City is a visit to a world of flavor. From beloved classics to innovative dishes, our menu is thoughtfully curated to meet the nutritional needs of our comprehensive wellness program while fostering a sense of joy and community. 

Our bright, welcoming dining room is a warm place to enjoy a meal with your neighbors—or invite your family for a lovely sit-down meal. Food at Somerby Peachtree City is all about choice and nutrition. 

We know you’ll find something to love no matter your taste.

Restaurant-Style Dining at Somerby Peachtree City

At Somerby Peachtree City, we take pride in our thoughtful approach to restaurant-style dining. 

The Château Restaurant offers a classy, upscale dining experience in a white-linen environment. The Bistro, meanwhile, is a casual dining spot that offers lighter fare such as soups and sandwiches. Whether it’s a cherished favorite or an innovative dish, we aim to foster joy and connection around the table. 

Our Culinary Gallery

Discover Our Dining

You’re invited to Somerby Peachtree City today to see what our chefs have cooking. We know you’ll find something that will make you smile.

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