Events & Experiences

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Unique & Engaging Experiences

At Somerby Peachtree City, life is full of engaging experiences and unique events. From on-campus entertainment and community events to our planned community outings, there’s always something to look forward to. 

On-campus, residents can enjoy amenities like:

  • Restaurant-style dining: Savor delicious meals in our bright and spacious dining room.
  • Fitness center: Stay active and energized with our fitness center—indoor pool included!
  • Lounge: Unwind and socialize with fellow residents in our cozy lounge.
  • Movie theater: Enjoy the classics without leaving the comfort of our community.

Schedule a visit now and discover the small-town charm of Peachtree City.

A Wide Variety of Experiences

We thrive on diversity, so we offer various activities catering to various passions and interests, including:

  • Recreational and social programming scheduled daily
  • Museum visits 
  • Theater and concert performances
  • Community choir
  • On-site speakers and presentations
  • Direct access to Peachtree City’s 100 miles of golf cart paths

These activities go beyond simple entertainment—they foster connections, enrich minds, and encourage personal growth 

​​What’s Around Somerby Peachtree City?

Somerby Peachtree City is a vibrant community for active seniors who love to explore the many winding paths of Peachtree City on their golf carts as much as they love to relax in our lounge and beautiful courtyard. Here, you can learn a new hobby, practice a favorite, and connect with friends and family.

We offer group activities and planned community outings off-campus, full of chances to connect with your neighbors and build meaningful relationships with the friendly people you see daily. 

Did you know Somerby Peachtree City is home to its very own choir? It’s true! Listen to our talented residents sing or join them and share your gift with your community.

There’s Never A Dull Moment. Schedule Your Visit Today.

Visit Somerby Peachtree City today for a glimpse of all the exciting events and enriching experiences available to our residents.

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